5 Inspired Lines of Poetry to Empower You with Renewable Energy
Lines of Poetry Filled with Light
Whenever you feel like you need some poetic solar power just turn back to these 5 lines and read the full poems to feel the warmth of their glints glowing off your heart's horizon.
"The sun fed us. Moss grew on our skin, around
our bones rainforests roots, our hearts pumped
with solar energy. Community sprang from our spines"
— Eva Papasoulioti, Helianthus
"What you call waste,
I call power. What you call work I make beautiful again."
— Ashley M. Jones, Photosynthesis
"All day on this land, in the
deep forest, the electric greens and
still-wet mud writhe with life."
"Our electric resistance to darkness"
— Dasha Kelly Hamilton, The Library
"Fine then,
I’ll take it, the tree seems to say, a new slick leaf
unfurling like a fist to an open palm, I’ll take it all."
— Ada Limón, Instructions on Not Giving Up
Originally Posted on Typeshare: https://typeshare.co/adampowers/posts/day-22-6-simple-quotes-that-will-remind-you-to-always-feeling-8uor