A Visit from St. Imminence
'Twas the day before the Clean Energy Revolution, all across the world Seemed not a creature was stirring, at least none could be heard; All renewable tech was strung along transmission lines with care, In hopes that a safer climate impact would imminently be there The children were restlessly planning in their rooms; While visions of a better world danced across zooms; And mom in her book, and I in an app, Having just laid down for a winter's afternoon nap, When not far outside there arose such a clatter, I jumped from my bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew with a flutter, Tore open the curtains and opened the shutters. The sun on the solar panels above the snow, Gave a lustre of radiance to objects below, When what to my wondering eyes did appear, But some youth with bikes, a dog, a dove, and a deer Carrying signs, this merry motley crew, lively and quick, After a moment, me realizing: wait, that must be the kids! More rapid than an eagle, through the window I called them by name But they couldn’t hear me shout as they whistled and sang: “Now Faster! With No Denial, We’ll Transform to a New Vision In Common, Inclusive, Drawdown with a Just Transition! From the bottom of our hearts to the top- hear our call! For Today! For Tomorrow! For All!" As leaves in the wind gather with gusts flying When they meet with a storm, they’re uniting; So onto the neighbors the gaggle flew To persuade with stories, stats, and a sense of imminence too— It was then, in a twinkling, my heart jumped through the roof Like a reindeer in my chest, feeling each prancing hoof. As I drew out of myself, I turned myself around, Out of the house as St. Imminence I came with a bound. To support activist leaders fighting nail and tooth, Organizing against carbon, coal ash, and soot; With a bundle of hope I had flung on my back, They mistook me for an pedler just opening my pack. Joining forces —how our eyes twinkled! Mingling so merry! Our cheeks like oceans discussing what’s rising in the airy! And the warmth of our hearts scaling exponentially so With more and more becoming climate heroes until the other warming slows With just stumps of pipeline left, pried out from underneath, A clear sky, and the sun encircling our heads like a halo’d wreath; We had solutions as broad as the planet and as round and steady That inspired and equipped us, feeling fed, full, and ready Together chubby and plump like right jolly old elves, So we laughed getting to it, in spite of ourselves; Opening more eyes and giving the gift of a world together-led Knowing working together- we could face any dread; We spoke every word, going straight to our work, In equity, efficiency, wind, solar, storage, and electrifying everything; finally flipping a switch with a jerk, And laying my finger across my phone After plugging it in, powered by chimneys no more; Making sustainability imminent with a team of teams like a ripple, In an ocean of giving, started by one delicate down of a thistle. So we all exclaimed, ere we enjoyned out of sight— “Warm hearts to all, and to all a future ever bright!"
— Adam Powers
A rewrite of your classic A Visit from St. Nicholas BY CLEMENT CLARKE MOORE

“Now Faster! With No Denial, We’ll Transform to a New Vision
In Common, Inclusive, Drawdown with a Just Transition!
From the bottom of our hearts to the top- hear our call!
For Today! For Tomorrow! For All!"