I once strolled upon a solar farm charging around a path. Where calm clovers, flowers, and grasses shifted, chatting near and around the ground surrounding the solar mounting, as I wheeled over to survey, the crowd swayed with a buzzing and fluttering. Then a bee sat on my shoulder, dancing: Honey, everything grows and everything gains, in power, meaning, and possibility. Spread some sunseeds like a photovoltaic pollinator, like how we grow food where we grow power. Sun slouches in the sky, then stands, again and again. I once gazed upon a solar farm shining and glittering warmth reflecting mini-bits of sun beams through patchwork crops like cloth in a patchwork of patchwork of patchwork, a bird is on a perch next to a patch of trillium stems bent into windswept birdsong, chirping: Everything grows, so shouldn’t everything gain? Where there’s power, meaning, and possibility, There’s sunseeds for photovoltaics to soar, like how we grow food where we grow power. Sun slackens in the sky, then stirs alert, once again. Silhouetted creatures emerge in light Monarchs flutter by and Glassywings take flight Each morning Apollo applies sunlight, and some Chickadees tweet, as some Sassafras and Trillium blow in the breeze. These solar farms just sit and soak, after the hardscrabble, elsewhere, the Patuxent or another a Happy Hollow babbles. Sun inclines in the sky, then builds, again and again. I once built upon a solar farm protecting and powering homes providing electricity for more neighbors, doing it out of love part in parcel of a part of a grid with grassroots threading together interlacing one another to thank roots, as a brilliant sky and bright Sun grins: Everything grows the way everything can gain, the way you must make power, meaning, and possibility to spread some sunseeds, so photovoltaics sprout, just grow your food where you grow your power.
— Adam Powers
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